Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

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Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by 1st1 »

Hello, I am currently messing up a folder containig many CD-ROMs for the ST series. There were some ZIPs which I could decompress, but they are rather small and only contain parts of the CD like the scanned cover or CD as a JPG but not the content, others I miss by their number, and some are in strange image format I don't know how to decompress.

So here is my wish-list:
  • Atari Mega Archive - Volume 2 (2,3,4,5... if they exist) (I have the Volume 1 which is a mirror of the vast majority of Atari.Archive.Umich.Edu in the USA.)
    Bingo Volume 2 (if that exists, and 3,4,..., I only have Vol 1)
    Crawly Crypt Vol 3 (the readme in Vol 1 & 2 tells that there are 3)
    Elite CD 2 (if that exists, and 3,4,..., I only have Vol 1)
    Konzentrat Scans (in the folder there is only a nzb file of 183 bytes)
    are there more "M.u.C.S. Katalog CD-ROM", I have the issue 2-98
    Xware Mission 2 (I have 1 & 3)
    Hangloose PD CD 2 (if that exists, and 3,4,..., I only have Vol 1)
    Falke Verlag The Very Best Of Atari Inside Vol 1 (I only have the CD+cover scans, and maybe the content as "Best of ATARI inside.mdf" with 521 MB, but no idea how to decompress/convert to ISO/ZIP/...) (I have Vol 2)
    Vectronix Pirate CD Vol.1 (there is only 001.msa in the folder while Vol.2 looks complete)
    Wow Volume 1 (I only have Vol 2)
    Supergau Systems Atari ST Archive CD Vol.2 (if that exists, and 3,4,..., I only have Vol 1)
    Millenium TimeCapsule AC2000 (in ISO file format, I only have BIN/CUE file)
How to convert these into ISO/ZIP/... or decompress?

Code: Select all

20.10.2022  12:50       366.380.448 Millenium TimeCapsule AC2000.BIN
20.10.2022  12:04               250 Millenium TimeCapsule AC2000.CUE
07.11.2003  12:44       773.765.796 WinSTon Atari ST emulateur + Roms - Nobruz.nrg
For your reference, that is the complte folder list in my CD-Collection:

Code: Select all

16.06.2016  17:31    <DIR>          4U PD Serie
16.06.2016  17:31    <DIR>          ai-special
08.01.2023  17:00    <DIR>          Artworks Professional (Atari ST)
16.06.2016  17:30    <DIR>          Atari Anniversary Edition (cdi, self boot)
16.06.2016  18:11    <DIR>          Atari Demo Power
16.06.2016  17:34    <DIR>          Atari DemoDVD
08.01.2023  18:12    <DIR>          Atari Forever 1
08.01.2023  18:13    <DIR>          Atari Forever 2
08.01.2023  18:13    <DIR>          Atari Forever 3
08.01.2023  18:13    <DIR>          Atari Forever 4
16.06.2016  18:08    <DIR>          Atari GameDVD 1.6
16.06.2016  19:12    <DIR>          Atari Gold
16.06.2016  20:13    <DIR>          Atari Inside Complete Spezial
08.01.2023  20:21    <DIR>          Atari Magazin CD1
16.06.2016  19:52    <DIR>          Atari Magazin CD2
20.10.2022  14:54    <DIR>          Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1
16.06.2016  19:40    <DIR>          ATARI-CD1-Dragon
16.06.2016  19:44    <DIR>          ATARI-CD2-Tiger
16.06.2016  19:57    <DIR>          ATOS CD
16.06.2016  20:05    <DIR>          Bingo Volume 1
16.06.2016  20:08    <DIR>          Bird of Prey
16.06.2016  20:10    <DIR>          Blues Boys - Atari Stuff Collection
16.06.2016  20:10    <DIR>          Budgie UK PD Serie
20.10.2022  14:55    <DIR>          Cala(maxi)mus
11.02.2018  08:42    <DIR>          CCE PD
11.02.2018  08:51    <DIR>          Classic Atari - GEM only+ - Die ultimative Anwender-CD
16.06.2016  20:12    <DIR>          Classic Atari CD-ROM Vol 1
08.01.2023  20:41    <DIR>          Classic Atari Vollversionen
16.06.2016  20:12    <DIR>          Cobra PD Serie
17.06.2016  02:34    <DIR>          COMPO Power-CD1
16.06.2016  20:26    <DIR>          Crawly Crypt 1
16.06.2016  20:30    <DIR>          Crawly Crypt 2
17.06.2016  01:16    <DIR>          Delta Labs TRANSMISSION
16.06.2016  20:35    <DIR>          Demo Session
08.01.2023  20:45    <DIR>          Dream No.58
16.06.2016  20:44    <DIR>          Dream No.59
16.06.2016  20:50    <DIR>          Dune Fifteen (15)
16.06.2016  20:56    <DIR>          Elite CD1
16.06.2016  20:57    <DIR>          eNeRGy
17.06.2016  02:18    <DIR>          EU-SOFT PD Konzentrat
16.06.2016  21:42    <DIR>          Fading Twilight Dual Layer DVD Edition
16.06.2016  21:46    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_01_v11
16.06.2016  21:51    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_02_v12
16.06.2016  21:56    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_03_v10
16.06.2016  22:00    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_04_v10
16.06.2016  22:05    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_05_v10
16.06.2016  22:09    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_06_v10
16.06.2016  22:13    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_07_v10
16.06.2016  22:20    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_08_v11
16.06.2016  22:23    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_09_v10
16.06.2016  22:29    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_10_v10
16.06.2016  22:44    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_11_v10
16.06.2016  22:48    <DIR>          fading_twilight_excerpt_12_v10
16.06.2016  22:51    <DIR>          Falcon PD Serie
16.06.2016  22:52    <DIR>          Floppyshop Gold CD1
16.06.2016  23:01    <DIR>          Floppyshop Gold CD2
16.06.2016  23:10    <DIR>          Floppyshop Gold CD3
16.06.2016  23:13    <DIR>          Floppyshop Gold CD5
16.06.2016  13:48    <DIR>          Fractal
17.06.2016  00:25    <DIR>          Fujiology Archive v1.0
17.06.2016  00:26    <DIR>          Gambler
20.10.2022  14:56    <DIR>          GEMini Atari CD-ROM Walnut Creek December 1993
17.06.2016  02:16    <DIR>          Hangloose PD CD 1
17.06.2016  01:16    <DIR>          Heim Verlag Special Disks
17.06.2016  01:25    <DIR>          ICS Atari ST Pirate Gold Vol.1
17.06.2016  01:26    <DIR>          Konzentrat Scans (Atari ST)
17.06.2016  01:26    <DIR>          Lohrum ATARI-CD1
17.06.2016  01:31    <DIR>          Lohrum ATARI-CD2
16.06.2016  19:51    <DIR>          Lohrum ATARI-CD3
17.06.2016  01:26    <DIR>          M.u.C.S. Katalog CD-ROM 2-98
17.06.2016  01:40    <DIR>          magazin_archive
17.06.2016  01:41    <DIR>          MagicMAXON
08.01.2023  18:30    <DIR>          Marcer demo floppys
08.01.2023  18:53    <DIR>          Maxon Compact Disc 1
17.06.2016  01:44    <DIR>          Maxon Compact Disc 2
08.01.2023  20:16    <DIR>          Millenium TimeCapsule AC2000
17.06.2016  02:00    <DIR>          NCS Falcon Demo Szene
17.06.2016  02:01    <DIR>          nf_archive_01_st_demos_refix_2009
17.06.2016  02:02    <DIR>          nf_archive_02_compilations_refix_2009
17.06.2016  02:03    <DIR>          nf_archive_03_partyarchive_93_01_v10
17.06.2016  02:05    <DIR>          nf_archive_04_the_falcon_archive_v1.0
17.06.2016  02:05    <DIR>          nf_archive_05_atari_movies
17.06.2016  02:06    <DIR>          nf_archive_06_jaguar_movies
17.06.2016  02:07    <DIR>          nf_archive_07_parties_02_06
17.06.2016  02:08    <DIR>          nf_archive_08_compilations_two
17.06.2016  02:09    <DIR>          nf_archive_09_jaguar_freeware
17.06.2016  02:10    <DIR>          nf_archive_10_diskmags
17.06.2016  02:11    <DIR>          nf_archive_11_parties_7_10
17.06.2016  02:13    <DIR>          nf_archive_12_textmags_&_docs
17.06.2016  02:14    <DIR>          nf_archive_13_pictures
17.06.2016  02:16    <DIR>          nf_archive_14_parties_10_12
17.06.2016  02:16    <DIR>          nrg2isov20
17.06.2016  02:20    <DIR>          Persistence Of Vision CD Dec 1998
17.06.2016  02:22    <DIR>          Pooldisk Too 1
17.06.2016  02:29    <DIR>          Pooldisk Too 2
17.06.2016  02:31    <DIR>          Poolware
17.06.2016  02:36    <DIR>          Random Images
17.06.2016  02:55    <DIR>          Ripped-Off ST Demo CD Collection
17.06.2016  02:56    <DIR>          Robinsons Requiem Falcon030 CD
17.06.2016  02:58    <DIR>          Service Demos
17.06.2016  03:01    <DIR>          SKYLINE
17.06.2016  03:04    <DIR>          ST Compilations CD
17.06.2016  03:03    <DIR>          ST Computer 1-2001
19.02.2020  22:32    <DIR>          ST Computer Milennium CD Update
17.06.2016  03:06    <DIR>          ST Sound Pleasuredome Backup 2000
11.02.2018  08:59    <DIR>          ST-Computer Leser CD 7-2001
17.06.2016  03:10    <DIR>          Stratos No.1
17.06.2016  03:12    <DIR>          Stratos No.2
17.06.2016  03:15    <DIR>          Stratos No.3
17.06.2016  03:17    <DIR>          Stratos No.4
17.06.2016  03:18    <DIR>          Supergau Systems Atari ST Archive CD Vol.1
17.06.2016  03:20    <DIR>          Supremacy Atari ST Anthology Vol.1
17.06.2016  03:22    <DIR>          Supremacy Atari ST Anthology Vol.2
17.06.2016  03:23    <DIR>          Suzi B CD1
17.06.2016  03:23    <DIR>          Suzi B CD2
17.06.2016  03:25    <DIR>          TCE Falcon 030 Power CD1
17.06.2016  03:28    <DIR>          TCE Falcon 030 Power CD2
17.06.2016  03:28    <DIR>          TCE Games Crack Compil Vol.1
17.06.2016  03:23    <DIR>          TCE-Demo CD Vol.1
17.06.2016  03:25    <DIR>          TCE-Demo CD Vol.2
17.06.2016  03:30    <DIR>          TELEINFO 1996 Telefonbuch-CD
08.01.2023  20:00    <DIR>          The Very Best Of Atari Inside Vol 1
08.01.2023  20:01    <DIR>          The Very Best Of Atari Inside Vol 2
16.06.2016  19:58    <DIR>          The Very Best Of Atari Inside Vol x
17.06.2016  03:45    <DIR>          The World Of Atari Games
08.01.2023  19:50    <DIR>          TOS Magazin Cover-Disks
16.06.2016  18:09    <DIR>          Vectronix Atari CD1
16.06.2016  19:33    <DIR>          Vectronix Atari CD3
17.06.2016  03:45    <DIR>          Vectronix Pirate CD Vol.1
17.06.2016  03:46    <DIR>          Vectronix Pirate CD Vol.2
08.01.2023  20:03    <DIR>          Vision PD Series CD
17.06.2016  03:46    <DIR>          Waseo Music Compilation
17.06.2016  03:57    <DIR>          Whiteline CD  Delta
17.06.2016  03:52    <DIR>          Whiteline CD Alpha
17.06.2016  04:04    <DIR>          Whiteline CD Gamma
17.06.2016  04:13    <DIR>          Whiteline CD Kappa
17.06.2016  04:18    <DIR>          Whiteline CD Omega
17.06.2016  04:24    <DIR>          Whiteline CD Psi
17.06.2016  04:27    <DIR>          Whiteline CD Transmission
17.06.2016  02:37    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD1
17.06.2016  02:43    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD10
17.06.2016  02:39    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD2
17.06.2016  02:36    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD3
17.06.2016  02:47    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD4
17.06.2016  02:49    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD5
17.06.2016  02:50    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD6
17.06.2016  02:51    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD7
17.06.2016  02:53    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD8
17.06.2016  02:54    <DIR>          Whiteline Magazin Revolution CD9
08.01.2023  20:13    <DIR>          World Of Atari Games
17.06.2016  04:51    <DIR>          Wow Volume 2
17.06.2016  04:51    <DIR>          Xest PD CD
17.06.2016  04:54    <DIR>          Xplore
17.06.2016  01:57    <DIR>          Xware Mission 1
17.06.2016  02:00    <DIR>          Xware Mission 3
17.06.2016  04:57    <DIR>          Zarmi La Compil Atar Vol 01
17.06.2016  05:00    <DIR>          Zarmi La Compil Atar Vol 02
I know that there are some CDs which I can use to complete my collection of PD/Magazine disks in the other thrad, this will be the next step.

If you have other CD/ISO files which are not in this list I would be pleased if you can share with me.
Power without the Price. It's not a bug. It's a feature. _/|\_ATARI

1040STFM in PC-Tower (PAK68/2, OvrScn, 4 MB, 1GB SCSI, CD-ROM...) * 3x Falcon 030 * 3x TT030 * many 260 /520/1040ST(F)(M)(+) * 520/1040STE * many Mega ST * 2x Mega STE * Stacy * STBook * 2x SLM605 * 3x SLM804 * SMM804 * SH 204/205 * Megafile 30/44/60 * SF314 * SF354 * 5x Pofo * PC2 * PC3 * PC4M * ABC286 * ...
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by penguin »

Here's Very Best of Atari Inside 1 in ISO format: ... i-inside-1
AtariUpToDate - Atari ST/TT/Falcon software database and version tracker:
ST-Computer magazine -
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by 1st1 »

Thanks for the link, good idea to check on again, meanwhile I found several others which weren't there last time, they are downloading now. I let you know tomorrow what I found, have to check/verify them first.
Power without the Price. It's not a bug. It's a feature. _/|\_ATARI

1040STFM in PC-Tower (PAK68/2, OvrScn, 4 MB, 1GB SCSI, CD-ROM...) * 3x Falcon 030 * 3x TT030 * many 260 /520/1040ST(F)(M)(+) * 520/1040STE * many Mega ST * 2x Mega STE * Stacy * STBook * 2x SLM605 * 3x SLM804 * SMM804 * SH 204/205 * Megafile 30/44/60 * SF314 * SF354 * 5x Pofo * PC2 * PC3 * PC4M * ABC286 * ...
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by PunisherV8 »

Hello, I would be interested in the two files Zarmi la compil vol 1 and 2.
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by Atari74user »

1st1 wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:12 pm Thanks for the link, good idea to check on again, meanwhile I found several others which weren't there last time, they are downloading now. I let you know tomorrow what I found, have to check/verify them first.
I am sure you have found these, but Millenium is on there as an ISO from your original request as well as Mega Archive 2 for example.
Also this may help, there was no Mega's after Mega Archive 2, and there was also never a release of Crawly Crypt Vol. 3, and it may be a reference of both being available as a pair, as I believe they were for a time. Lastly, Bingo Vol. 1 and Wow! Vol. 2 are a pair as volumes if I recall correctly, so there is no explicit Bingo Vol. 2 or Wow! Vol. 1 as it were. Nice work compiling these by the way!
Medusa Hades 060 512mb, ET4000 / MACH64
Atari Falcon 14mb, 68882, 8gb CF, Steinberg FDI, FA8, GigaFile & CT60e
Atari Jaguar, GD, Skunkboard & Cat Box
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by Shazz »

1st1 wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:12 pm Thanks for the link, good idea to check on again, meanwhile I found several others which weren't there last time, they are downloading now. I let you know tomorrow what I found, have to check/verify them first.
Hey 1st1, I’m looking for the Falcon’s bird of prey CD, do you know where I can find it ?
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by Mug UK »

NRG is the CD file format for the old Nero Burning software. I converted the .NRG files to .ISO using a freeware tool for Windows. But I've also put a lot of the above onto my account.
Main site: - digging up bits from my past: Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, Sega 8-bit (game hacks) and NDS (ripping guides). I host a C64 Radio Show for a mate, Max Hall via

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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by Marcer »

elite cd 2 -> Marcers Game usb
- Atari ST/FM/E - Mega sTe - Portfolio - Falcon 030 FX 3 in 1 -- Atari 7800/Lynx/Jaguar -
- FTP... Ask for info
- Atari Legend (Games all-a-round)
- Paradize (Chip Music)
- Elite (Atari Softs)
- The Legion (Demos)
- Alive Maggie Team
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Atari God
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by 1st1 »

Shazz wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:11 am
1st1 wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:12 pm Thanks for the link, good idea to check on again, meanwhile I found several others which weren't there last time, they are downloading now. I let you know tomorrow what I found, have to check/verify them first.
Hey 1st1, I’m looking for the Falcon’s bird of prey CD, do you know where I can find it ?
I don't remember anymore where I have downloaded it but I have it. I need to check where I temporary can upload it for sharing.
Power without the Price. It's not a bug. It's a feature. _/|\_ATARI

1040STFM in PC-Tower (PAK68/2, OvrScn, 4 MB, 1GB SCSI, CD-ROM...) * 3x Falcon 030 * 3x TT030 * many 260 /520/1040ST(F)(M)(+) * 520/1040STE * many Mega ST * 2x Mega STE * Stacy * STBook * 2x SLM605 * 3x SLM804 * SMM804 * SH 204/205 * Megafile 30/44/60 * SF314 * SF354 * 5x Pofo * PC2 * PC3 * PC4M * ABC286 * ...
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Mug UK
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Re: Searching for some ATARI ST related CD-ROMs

Post by Mug UK »

I will add it to my collection on once you find it.
Main site: - digging up bits from my past: Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, Sega 8-bit (game hacks) and NDS (ripping guides). I host a C64 Radio Show for a mate, Max Hall via

I develop a free Word (for Windows) add-in for Word 2007 upwards. A toolbox that will allow power Word users to fix document errors. You can find it at:
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