[CODE] Fast Sqrt rout

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[CODE] Fast Sqrt rout

Post by tobe »


I found this rout on the web and converted it to assembler :

Code: Select all

;  original C code by Jim Ulery :
;      static unsigned mborg_isqrt3(unsigned long val)
;      {
;        unsigned long temp, g=0, b = 0x8000, bshft = 15;
;        do {
;          if (val >= (temp = (((g<<1)+b)<<bshft--))) {
;            g += b;
;            val -= temp;
;          }
;        } while (b >>= 1);
;        return g;
;      }

	movem.l		d1-d4,			-(sp)
	moveq		#0,				d1			; g = 0
	move.l		#$8000,			d2			; b = $8000
	moveq		#15,			d3			; bshft = 15
	move.l		d1,				d4			; temp = g
	add.l		d1,				d4			; temp = g<<1
	add.l		d2,				d4			; temp = (g<<1)+b
	lsl.l		d3,				d4			; temp = ((g<<1)+b)<<bshft
	subq.l		#1,				d3			; bshft--
	cmp.l		d0,				d4			; val >= temp ?
	bhi.s		fast_sqrt_1					;	no -> fast_sqrt_1
	add.l		d2,				d1			; g += b
	sub.l		d4,				d0			; val -= temp
	lsr.l		#1,				d2			; b >>= 1, b!=0 ?
	bne.s		fast_sqrt_0					;	yes -> fast_sqrt_0
	move.l		d1,				d0			; return g
	movem.l 	(sp)+,			d1-d4
I didn't tried to optimize it further, but if someone can optimize it :)

edit : i forgot, put the value in D0 and retrieve the result in D0 ;)
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Post by earx »

if you use it on 030 it should be great, but beware of the lsl.l. it is quite costly on 68000, since every bit it shifts costs 2 cycles. there are algorithms where you only need to shift 1 bit at a time.

this might be a better one: input in d1, output in d0

moveq #1,d2
ror.l #2,d2
moveq #$F,d3
.loop1: cmp.l d2,d1
bgt.s .endloop1
add.l d1,d1
lsr.l #1,d2
dbf d3,.loop1
moveq #0,d0
bra.s .is_null

sub.l d2,d1
move.l d2,d0
lsr.l #1,d2
.loop2: lsr.l #1,d2
add.l d2,d0
cmp.l d0,d1
bgt.s .endloop2
sub.l d2,d0
add.l d1,d1
dbf d3,.loop2
bra.s .end

sub.l d0,d1
add.l d2,d0
add.l d1,d1
dbf d3,.loop2

.end: add.l d0,d0
addi.l #$00008000,d0

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Post by [ProToS] »

from Stratos issue 1 (french mag)
(sorry the article was i french and I wasn't a coder ... so I only reworte all and no translation)

perhaps somebody could find this usefull ...

Code: Select all


- deux versions - rapide ou précise,
- auccune boucle,
- une (ou deux) divisions,
- 11 (ou 15) instructions,
- 2.5% (ou 0%) d'erreur moyenne.


Voyons d'abord la version la plus rapide. on
entre une valeur en d0.l, et on en sort sa racine
par d0.w. on utilise également d1 et d2; L'erreur
moyenne est de 2.5% avec un maximum de 6% si le bit
de poids le plus fort de l'entrée est impair.

		moveq	#31,d2
		bfffo	d0{0:31},d1
		sub.l	d1,d2		;y
		lsr.w	#1,d2		;w
		bcc.s	.round0		;arrondi
		addq.w	#1,d2
		move.l	d0,d1
		lsr.l	d2,d1		;z0
		divu.l	d1,d0		;itération
		add.l	d1,d0
		lsr.l	#1,d0
La version plus précise demande une itération 
supplémentaire. L'utilisation est identique, mais
on utilise en plus d3. L'erreur moyenne est alors
mesurable, sauf pour $7FFFFFFF où il y a une erreur
de 0.2%.

		moveq.l	#31,d2
		move.l	d0,d3
		bfffo	d3{0:31},d1
		sub.l	d1,d2
		lsr.w	#1,d2
		bcc.s	.round0
		addq.w	#1,d2
		lsr.l	d2,d1		;ordre 0
		divu.l	d1,d3		;ordre 1
		add.l	d3,d1
		lsr.l	#1,d1
		divu.l	d1,d0		;ordre 2
		add.l	d1,d0
		lsr.l	#1,d0

Voilà deux petites routines qui, je l'espère, vous
rendront de fiers services. Elles ont été réellement
testées et sont utilisées pour faire des FFT(transformé
rapide de Fourrier, qui sera aussi le sujet d'un prochain 
article) avec un simple 68030 (sans dsp!). 
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Post by tobe »

Yes, my code is for 68000 :/

But i only use it to prepare a small table.

Thanks for all this routs ! Maybe someone should test and compare them !

Maybe there's some more interresting ones here :
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Small SQRT

Post by Nyh »

Well, this SQRT routine is not very fast. But it is very small:

; Call: D0 long int
; Return: SQRT(D0)
moveq #-1,d1
addq.l #2,d1
sub.l d1,d0
bcc.s loop
lsr.l #1,d1
move.l d1,d0

Hans Wessels
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Post by GT Turbo »

Very short Nyh !!

GT Turbo :wink:
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Post by earx »

yep, mine is fastest, but mrni's is shortest ;-) (welcome back MrNI! :-) )
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Post by tobe »

earx wrote:yep, mine is fastest, but mrni's is shortest ;-) (welcome back MrNI! :-) )
Yes :)
A short one is nice too !

I'm going to test this routs today.
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Post by tobe »

Tests were done with a STE 1mb.
The routs posted by Protos use 68020+ instructions so i didn't test them.

Earx's rout is the faster, and the more accurate !

I did some modifications to make it works in the same manner than the others routs (in/out in d0, result in low word).

modified rout :

Code: Select all

	moveq		#1,		d2
	ror.l		#2,		d2
	moveq		#$F,		d3
	cmp.l		d2,		d0
	bgt.s		.endloop1
	add.l		d0,		d0
	lsr.l		#1,		d2
	dbf		d3,.loop1
	moveq		#0,		d1
	bra.s		.is_null
	sub.l		d2,		d0
	move.l		d2,		d1
	lsr.l		#1,		d2
	lsr.l		#1,		d2
	add.l		d2,		d1
	cmp.l		d1,		d0
	bgt.s		.endloop2
	sub.l		d2,		d1
	add.l		d0,		d0
	dbf		d3,.loop2
	bra.s		.end
	sub.l		d1,		d0
	add.l		d2,		d1
	add.l		d0,		d0
	dbf		d3,.loop2
	add.l		d1,		d1
	addi.l		#$00008000,	d1
	swap		d1
	move.w		d1,		d0
Routs size :

Tobe : 36 bytes
Earx modified : 70 bytes
Nyh : 14 bytes

Comparative timings :

Tobe : 37820
Earx modified : 29241
Nyh : 93123

Source code :
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step 1: introduce bug, step 2: fix bug, step 3: goto step 1.
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Post by Nyh »

earx wrote:yep, mine is fastest, but mrni's is shortest ;-) (welcome back MrNI! :-) )
I will dig up my optimised routine this weekend (hope my Atari HD still works...). Let us see wether yours is still the fastest then. :-)

I have been away a long time. Wanted to do some coding again. C programming under Linux is not as much fun as some nice 68k assembly on the Atari. I was very happy with Steem to able run Pure C. Lots of improvement since I tried Steem some years ago.

Maybe I will finish some demo ideas I had some years ago.

Cu, Hans
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Post by earx »

MrNi: I dunno whether mine is the fastest. The one you showed at siliconvention seemed pretty good in the respect that it could also do sub integer, whereas mine only does a round. Would be nice to take a look at that one. :-)

Tobe: if you don't care about diskspace and do care about precalc time, it might even be a good idea to precalc the sqrt table using gfa.. ..and all this code boosting is really not required. But who cares, right ;-)
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Post by Nyh »

earx wrote:MrNi: I dunno whether mine is the fastest. The one you showed at siliconvention seemed pretty good in the respect that it could also do sub integer, whereas mine only does a round. Would be nice to take a look at that one. :-)
Earx: there are some problems with your code.
sqrt(1) = 0??
and sqrt($77654321) gives also quite a wrong answer. :-(

I have converted the Stratos code to 68k asemly. I don't get their first guess. It is quite wrong IMHO. Also the number of iterations is a bit optimistic.

Code: Select all

     cmpi.w    #2,d0       ; >2? dan wat doen, anders direct klaar
     bcc.s     .cont
     move.l    d2,-(sp)
     moveq     #32,d2      ; bitcount
     move.l    d0,d1
     bmi.s     .start_l
     subq.w    #1,d2       ;
     add.l     d1,d1       ; find bit
     bpl.s     .loop
     lsr.w     #1,d2
     move.l    d0,d1       ; i
     lsr.l     d2,d1       ; tmp = i>>(bits/2) order 0
     move.l    d0,d2       ; i
     divu      d1,d2       ; i/tmp
     swap      d2
     clr.w     d2
     swap      d2
     add.l     d2,d1       ; tmp+=i/tmp
     lsr.l     #1,d1       ; tmp/=2            order 1
     move.l    d0,d2       ; i
     divu      d1,d2       ; i/tmp
     swap      d2
     clr.w     d2
     swap      d2
     add.l     d2,d1       ; tmp+=i/tmp
     lsr.l     #1,d1       ; tmp/=2            order 2
     move.l    d0,d2       ; i
     divu      d1,d2       ; i/tmp
     swap      d2
     clr.w     d2
     swap      d2
     add.l     d2,d1       ; tmp+=i/tmp
     lsr.l     #1,d1       ; tmp/=2            order 3
     move.l    d1,d0
     move.l    (sp)+,d2
You can still do a lot of optimising. For numbers <2^30 you can use word aritmethic for the iterations like this:

Code: Select all

     move.l    d0,d3       ; i
     divu      d1,d3       ; i/tmp
     add.w     d3,d1       ; tmp+=i/tmp
     lsr.w     #1,d1       ; tmp/=2            order 1
You can make the bitcount a lot more efficient. Use for the first guess a 256 byte lookup table and you will about double the speed. Is there any need for this?
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Post by Shazz »

Eh eh, I was sure that a day my Atari fellows will do this kind of compo (By the way I won't try to beat Earx's TC line routine :D )

Tobe, as your goal is to build a lookup table you can have a look to our amy cousins : http://membres.lycos.fr/amycoders/compo/sqrtcompo.html
The competitions aim was to optimize a routine calculating a 64k sqrt-tab by size. The routine with the least bytes used was supposed to win.


* Only 68020++ integer asm-commands.
* 65536 one byte values have to be calculated (64kbyte).
* The given range is 0..65535.
* The tables destination is a label called "sqrttab" in a bss-area.
* All registers are in an undefined state, when the routine is called.
* The routine has to be finished with "RTS", which is not accounted to the overall routine-length.
* All fraction parts have to be cut off (no rounding) (2.7 gets 2 then for example).
I did not check if all the routs use non compatible 68000 instructions...
...8bits are enough...
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Post by tobe »

I'm not trying to build an sqrt lookup table, but a table from the results of calls to sqrt. (and a table of 65536 words is quite big for my needs ;))

This is my first screen coded only with 68k assembler, and i'm trying to optimize both size and speed, for the fun !

Now i need to test this rout from Nyh.
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SQRT the fastest

Post by Nyh »


I dug up my SQRT routines and played aroud with the Newton approximations from the Stratos magazine. I got some interesting results.

There is a slight problem in the Earx routine. sqrt(1) is calculated with the wrong answer and so is sqrt(2003125025). The routine doesn't like numbers above 2^31. The routine needs some fixing.

First the numbers:

Code: Select all

Calculating square roots 0 to 10 000 000 on a 8 MHz ST

Fast Newton ASM  773 sec
Earx ASM        1544 sec
Nyh ASM         1555 sec
Nyh C           1575 sec
Fast newton C   1676 sec
tobe ASM        2133 sec
Newton C        2731 sec
float C         3290 sec
Except for the Earx routine all other routines produce correct answers for all numbers from 0 to 2^32-1. (I tested Fast Newton ASM, Nyh ASM, Nyh C, Fast Newton C and Newton C for correctness over the whole range.)

The Fast Newton ASM is by far the fastest. It is also the biggest one. It uses the Newton approximation for a SQRT: x_n+1 = 0.5*(x_n + Value/x_n). You get a better answer very fast. Every iteration the number of digits doubles. If your first gues is correct for 1 bit, the first iteration gives you 2, the 2nd 4, the 3rd 8 and the 4th 16 bits. There we stop because from a 32 bit number you can only get 16 a 16 bit integer as sqrt.

A disadvantage from the Newton method is that it is an aproximation. The last digit may be rounded up or down. The Nyh ASM routine always rounds down, so does tobe. The Nyh, Tobe and Earx routine are basicly the same method, Only the implementation is slightly different.

Well let us cut the crap and look at the code. First the Nyh ASM. It comes from the I_A addition lib. The code in the lib has a good explanation of the algorithm. I haev added it to the zipfile.

Code: Select all

                move.l  d3,a0
                move.l  #$40000000,d1   ; mask
                moveq   #0,d2           ; result=0
                move.l  d2,d3           ; tmp=result
                add.l   d1,d3           ; tmp+=mask
                lsr.l   #1,d2           ; result>>=1
                cmp.l   d3,d0           ; x-tmp<0?
                bcs.s   cont            ; yep
                sub.l   d3,d0           ; x-=tmp
                add.l   d1,d2           ; result+=mask
                lsr.l   #2,d1           ; mask>>=2;
                bne.s   loop            ; nogmal
                move.l  d2,d0           ; d0=result
                move.l  a0,d3
                rts                     ; Einde
And here is the Fast Newton:

Code: Select all

; high speed sqrt
; call: DO = x, integer
; return: D0 = SQRT(x)

     move.w  #$100,a0
     cmp.l   a0,d0        ; d0<256?
     bcs.s   .8bit        ; yep
     move.l  d0,a1        ; x
     swap    d0
     tst.w   d0
     bne.s   .32bit
     move.l  a1,d0
     moveq   #0,d1
     addq.w  #1,d1        ;
.loop_start:              ; 16 bits left
     lsr.w   #2,d0        ;
     cmp.w   a0,d0
     bcc.s   .loop
     move.b  .sqrt_table(pc,d0.w),d0 ; table lookup
     lsl.w   d1,d0       ; order 0
     move.l  a1,d1       ; x
     divu    d0,d1       ; x/tmp
     add.w   d1,d0       ; tmp+=x/tmp
     lsr.w   #1,d0       ; tmp/=2            order 1
     move.l  a1,d1
     divu    d0,d1       ; x/tmp
     add.w   d1,d0       ; tmp+=x/tmp
     lsr.w   #1,d0       ; tmp/=2            order 2
     move.b  .sqrt_table(pc,d0.w),d0 ; table lookup
     cmp.w   a0,d0        ; 24 bit?
     bcc.s   .24bit
     move.l  a1,d0
     lsr.l   #8,d0
     moveq   #5,d1
     bra.s   .loop_start
     cmpi.w  #$3fc0,d0    ; bignum?
     bcc.s   .bignum      ; yep
     move.l  a1,d0
     clr.w   d0
     swap    d0
     moveq   #9,d1
     bra.s   .loop_start
.bignum:                  ; big nums cause overflows
     cmpi.w  #$fffd,d0    ; big bignum?
     bcc.s   .bigbignum   ; yep!
     move.l  a1,-(sp)     ; store x
     swap    d0
     lsr.l   #4,d0        ; x geen bignum meer
     move.l  d0,a1        ; x
     clr.w   d0
     swap    d0
     moveq   #9,d1
     bsr.s   .loop_start
     add.w   d0,d0
     add.w   d0,d0        ; d0 is our guess now
     move.l  (sp)+,d1     ; x
     divu    d0,d1        ; i/tmp
     bvc.s   .cont0
     moveq   #1,d1        ; overflow!
     bra.s   .cont1
     swap    d1
     clr.w   d1
     swap    d1
     add.l   d1,d0        ; tmp+=i/tmp
     lsr.l   #1,d0        ; tmp/=2       
     moveq   #0,d0
     subq.w  #1,d0        ; d0=$0000ffff

dc.b 0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
dc.b 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
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dc.b 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
I included all .C and .S files in the zip file. Hope you like it. I love this kind of work!

Fidelus Bittus et Fuckus Clockcyclus!

Hans Wessels
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Last edited by Nyh on Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tobe »

Thanks a lot Nyh !
The Nyh ASM is the one i need, small and fast !
Great :D
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Nyh ASM still faster...

Post by Nyh »

Do you think I have tested all. Write a final report, post it, review the code. Make some optimalisations and let it run again. For the 10 000 000 square roots the new routines needs only 1374 seconds. Let it run last night to test it. Here is the code:

Code: Select all

                move.l  #$40000000,d1   ; mask
                cmp.l   d1,d0           ; x-tmp<0?
                bcs.s   .cont0          ; yep
                move.l  d1,d2           ; result=mask
                sub.l   d1,d0           ; x-=mask
                move.l  d3,a0
                lsr.l   #2,d1           ; mask>>=2
                bne.s   .loop1
                move.l  d2,d0           ; d0=result
                lsr.l   #2,d1           ; mask>>=2
                bne.s   .loop0
                move.l  d2,d3           ; tmp=result
                add.l   d1,d3           ; tmp+=mask
                lsr.l   #1,d2           ; result>>=1
                cmp.l   d3,d0           ; x-tmp<0?
                bcs.s   .cont1          ; yep
                sub.l   d3,d0           ; x-=tmp
                add.l   d1,d2           ; result+=mask
                lsr.l   #2,d1           ; mask>>=2;
                bne.s   .loop1          ; nogmal
                move.l  d2,d0           ; d0=result
                move.l  a0,d3
                rts                     ; Einde
Basically a added an extra loop to handle the case where the answer is still zero to eat the leading zeros. About doubling the codesize but, alas, not halfing teh runningtime.

Cu, Hans
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Post by ggn »

And here's another sqrt implementation. It is quite fast, but it fails a couple of sanity tests in Nyh's test shell, but here it is just for completeness! I don't know who coded it and where I got it from though...

Code: Select all

;Calculate square root of 32 bit Number in d0.l
;ENTRY d0.l holds longword to find square root of
;EXIT  d0.w holds 16 bit square root value

square_root	tst.l	d0
	beq	square_root2	if d0=0 then d0=square root 0

	movem.l	d1-d2,-(sp)
	move	#31,d2
square_root1	btst	d2,d0
	dbne	d2,square_root1
	lsr	#1,d2
	bset	d2,d2
	move.l	d0,d1
	divs	d2,d1
	add	d1,d2
	lsr	#1,d2
	move.l	d0,d1
	divs	d2,d1
	add	d1,d2
	lsr	#1,d2
	move.l	d0,d1
	divs	d2,d1
	add	d1,d2
	lsr	#1,d2
	clr.l	d0
	move	d2,d0
	movem.l	(sp)+,d1-d2
square_root2	rts
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Post by Nyh »

ggn wrote:And here's another sqrt implementation. It is quite fast, but it fails a couple of sanity tests in Nyh's test shell, but here it is just for completeness! I don't know who coded it and where I got it from though...
Hi ggn,

Your code is yet an other implementation of Newtons algorithm like the code from the Stratos magazine. I like the use of the BTST and BSET instructions. I would have used a shift which is slower.

The use of the DIVS instruction makes the routine unusable for 32 bit numbers. Also the use of add.w makes that de squareroot must be smaller as $8000. That makes the upper limit for the square root 2^30. Because there are only three iterations you wil get only 8 bits correct in the answer.
Conclusion: it is not a 32 bit squareroot routine but only 16 bits. For up to 29 bits it will give a good guess, for 31 and 32 bits numbers it gives a very wrong answer.

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Post by ggn »


I have no choice but to agree on all your points because mainly I'm doing my navy service and I don't have enough time to read a lot about sqrt implementations :) As I said, I put it there only for the record, and because it was lying on my hdd.

Regards, George
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Post by MetalGuru »

Here is another fast one....

*in d0.w 16.0 out d0.w 8.8
movem.l d1-d3,-(sp)
move.l #$4000,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3

add d1,d3
cmp.l d0,d3
bgt.s skip
sub.l d3,d0
move d1,d3
add d3,d3
or d3,d2

add.l d0,d0
move d2,d3
lsr d1
bne.s sqrt_l
move d2,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3

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Post by IllegalException »

Nice going MetalGuru!

Keep up the SOTE-flag! ;)

By the way, do you have access to Donald's Human Race IV-version? Does it emulate nicely in STeem?

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Post by MetalGuru »

Download "The 20'th Anniversary Demo" released december 2005 and look for the hidden screen.....

Mvh MetalGuru/SOTE
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Post by IllegalException »

Cool...will do!

Still at work?
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Post by gloky »

to calculate sqrt i don't know how to, but to do a table of sqrt of 64kb
there is a simple methode

let's analyse a sqrt table:

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
sqrt 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
in fact there are 1x'0', 3x '1', 5x'2', 7x'3', 9 x '4', etc
so the algo is

nb=0 ;value of sqrt x
off=0 ; x

for t=off to off+tl do tab[off]=nb
until offset is 64k

etonning, not ? :)

next t
; gloky 2009

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