... 25#p344303
Hex-a-hop. Its a nice, little logical/puzzle game. So far it needs a machine capable of displaying 16bpp graphics***
I have tested it with Super Videl and it works fine, I guess it should also work on CTPCI/Radeon combination.
Game can be played with arrow keys or with keys: Q,W,E,A,S,D. Pressing Z undo's the last move, there is no limit for undo, it can be done down to the first move.
The game:
And source code is attached directly to this post ( as its a small file so it was possible to attach here )
Forgot, as the data files have long names, MiNT environment is required.
***I have tried to save the graphics files in 8bit mode in Xnview, but it didnt quite look good in game