Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

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Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by JoeAtari »

I'm wondering if Cubase Audio Falcon produces MMC to control the transports on an ADAT recorder? I am converting the ADAT sync to MTC using a JLCooper DataSync2. The ADAT is controlling the Cubase sequencer, but nothing happens when trying to control the ADAT with the Cubase transports. I've tried the various Synchronization settings, but haven't come up with anything yet.

FalconProductions - Chino Valley, Arizona, USA
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by Miguel »

There should be a driver in your MROS folder called MMC.DR rename it MMC.DRV to activate it.

There should also be a driver in there for Steinberg's ACI (Adat Computer Interface) hardware, just in case that's something you might also be interested in, the ACI being quite similar to your dataSYNC2 there might be some possibility that it will work using that driver.
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by Faucon2001 »

It seems normal to me. Synchronization of a sequencer with an external mechanical machine is always done this way : master is the mechanical side, say the tape recorder, video recorder and slave the sequencer.
The other way around would need your mechanical record to be able to adjust its speed, which is not feasible or at least not recommandable ;-)

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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by Miguel »

That's right it's quite normal for Cubase to synchronize to the recorder it is controlling.....for example Cubase can tell the recorder when to punch in and out of record on a certain track and it knows precisely when to do this because it is actually synchronized to the recorder it is controlling.
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by JoeAtari »

Thanks for the replies! The MMC driver allows me to to start and stop the tape from CAF, but I cannot "rewind" or "fast forward." It was probably designed this way to keep things in sync with the tape. I also tried one of the Fostex drivers, but there is no response with that driver. I'll give the ACI driver a try.
FalconProductions - Chino Valley, Arizona, USA
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by JoeAtari »

Okay, using the ACI driver rather than MTC or MMC, you can do all of the operations from the Cubase transports! It even enables record on the ADAT XT. I haven't made an actual recording yet, but I can now move to any point in the sequence and once play or record is pressed in Cubase, the tape goes to the correct point and then the sequence starts moving. Thanks so much for your help!

Now I have an Alesis AI-1 interface on the way, so I can convert the ADAT digital out to SPDIF to go in to the FDI and mix everything down. 16 tracks without using the 2:1 compression for 16 tracks in CAF (that's the plan, anyway).
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by Miguel »

That's great because I wasn't sure if the ACI driver would work or not, I just knew that the DataSync2 hardware was similar enough to the ACI hardware that it was a possibility.....I was kind of hoping that the hardware was either developed by the same person or that JL Cooper had the good sense to utilize the same MIDI implementation as the ACI so that it could use the same driver.
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by Faucon2001 »

Joe, I had a look at your blog. Very nice setup !!!
Surprisingly I have been following a similar path than you, so I am glad to see that I am not the only crazy man on earth ;-)
I have a stock Falcon 030 that I have gradually updated with FPU + 14Mb ram + 4 GB SSD IDE + 4 GB CF SCSI + SCSI CD ROM burner + SCSI Ethernet adaptor + FDI + FA8 + Midex with Cubase Audio and all the necessary tools. Unfortunately I don't have it in a rack like I used to have in the 90's.
lt is hooked to a Roland D10, U110, SC8550, Kork M3R, Akai S950, Akai S500, and everything is mixed on a Yamaha 01V96.
For now everything is packed in a container which should reach my new house hopefully soon as I am missing all my instruments a lot.

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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by JoeAtari »

Nice Philippe! Everything is working now, with one exception. I can't get my new Roland JV-1080 to respond to bank changes. My Alesis S4 Synth responds just fine. I think I have everything set up correctly (Bank Change ON in the JV setup). It responds to program changes fine, but nothing on bank changes. I'll keep trying!
FalconProductions - Chino Valley, Arizona, USA
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by Miguel »

Roland JV 1080 Patch Banks.

User Bank 10240, Preset Bank A 10368, Preset Bank B 10369, Preset Bank C 10370, GM Bank 10371,
EXP Bank A' 10752, EXP Bank A" 10753,
EXP Bank B' 10754, EXP Bank B" 10755,
EXP Bank C' 10756, EXP Bank C" 10757,
EXP Bank D' 10758, EXP Bank D" 10759.

That's what I have typed on a system card that lives in the box on top of my display.
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by JoeAtari »

Thanks Miguel! I was using 1, 128, 256, 512, etc. Can't wait to try this! If only I didn't have to work a "real" job!
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by JoeAtari »

The bank numbers work perfectly! Thanks so much!
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by JoeAtari »

If there is a card inserted in the front of the JV-1080, do you know the bank numbers for those sounds? I don't have any expansion cards yet, but I eventually intend to collect some. :)
FalconProductions - Chino Valley, Arizona, USA
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Re: Cubase Audio Falcon - Sync ADAT XT

Post by Miguel »

Sorry for the late reply, the memory card should be 10496 and the PCM card should be 10624 I think, I don't use the slots on the front of my JV 1080, I prefer to save patches on the computer (usually with a project) and I have the super sound set (SR-JV-07) card in my JV 1080 (all the sounds of which come from the collection of PCM cards that Roland made).
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